School of Food and Chemical Engineering
You Li

You Li

Contact Details


Office: Building 8-309, No 33 Fucheng Road, Beijing, 100048, P.R. China


Assistant Professor

Education Background

PhD Food Science (Minor: Food Safety), 2013, North Carolina State University-Raleigh, NC, US. 

MS Food Safety, 2004, Wageningen University, Netherlands.

BS Food Science, 2002, Beijing Agricultural College, China.

Research Field/Interests

Fermentation, Microbial food safety, Plant protein development

Research Grants

1. Determine the minimum sanitizer level necessary to reduce Salmonella on green, round tomatoes and prevent cross-contamination in model flume system.

2. Key processing technologies industrialization and equipment development of Chinese traditional cereal.


1. Li, Y., Fraser,A., Chen, X., Cates, S., Wohlgenant, K., and Jaykus, L. Microbiological Analysis of Environmental Samples Collected from Child-Care Facilities in North and South Carolina, American Journal of Infection Control. 2014 Oct; 42(10):1049-55.     

2. Li, Y., Jaykus, L., Cates, S., Wohlgenant, K., Chen, X., Fraser, A.  Hygienic conditions in child-care facilities in North Carolina and South Carolina: An integrated microbial and observational study, American Journal of Infection Control. 2014 Jul; 42(7):781-6.

3. Fraser, A., Wohlgenant, K., Cates, S., Chen, X., Jaykus, L., Li, Y., Chapman, B. An observational study of frequency of provider hand contacts in child care facilities in North Carolina and South Carolina, American Journal of Infection Control. 2015 Feb; 43(2):107-11.

4. Liu, Menglan., Li, You., Zhang, Jian., Liu, Xinqi. Influence of Soy Peptides on Yeast Cells’ Proliferation and Tolerance to Freeze-thaw Stress. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2016; 6:17-23

5. Schneider, K.R., De, J., Li, Y., Sreedharan, A., Schneider, R.G., Danyluk, M.D., Pahl, D.M., Walsh, C.S., Todd-Searle, J., Schaffner, D.W., Kline, W., Buchanan, R.L. Microbial evaluation of pre- and post-processed tomatoes from Florida, New Jersey and Maryland packinghouses, Food Control, 2017; 73:511-517.

6. Sreedharan, A., Li, Y., De, J., Gutierrez, A., Silverberg, R., Schneider, KR. Determination of Optimum Sanitizer Levels for Prevention of Salmonella Cross-Contamination of Mature Round Tomatoes in a Laboratory Model Flume System, Journal of Food Protection, 2017 Sep; 80(9):1436-1442. 

7. De, J., Li, Y., A. Sreedharan, A., Schneider, R.G., Gutierrez, A., Jubair, M., Danyluk, M.D., Schneider, KR. A three-year survey of Florida packinghouses to determine microbial loads on pre- and post-processed tomatoes,Food Control, 2018, 86:383-388.

Teaching Interests

Food microbiology; Food chemistry;Food production, nutrition and related research; Advanced food chemistry;Food processing and development; Food nutrition,functionality and its evaluation; Academic English